
Your doctor says “your DED may be MGD and create CVS which may be TMI.”

Your response is probably “OMG, please say that again so I can understand it!”

OK. Your complaints of ‘tired eyes’ while using your computer, or Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), is related to Dry Eye Disease (DED) which many times is related to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD).  Meibomian glands are located inside your eyelids, about 50 in the upper and half that many in each lower lid.  It is a type of sebaceous gland that produces a lipid secretion with over 40 different proteins that blend with secreted fluid from your other “tear” glands.  When working properly this secretion helps stabilizes your tear film, allowing you to use your eyes for prolonged periods of time with minimal blinking. Unfortunately by age 60, more than 50% of us do not have properly functioning meibomian glands.

Have you been told your complaints of excessive tearing is due to Dry Eyes? And you are thinking, “Did I not just say I have too many tears?” Yes, but what eye doctors see during their exam are dry areas on the surface of your eye, hence Dry Eye Disease.  These dry areas create friction when you blink and that stimulates your lacrimal tear gland to release more of the aqueous, watery, component of your tear film p roducing the watery eyes that brought you to the doctor.

And, after the doctor tells you that you have Dry Eyes (not watery eyes), you hear that it is age related and the treatment requires more intense hygiene.  So your doctor has not only misdiagnosed your watery eyes, but he then tells you you’re just getting old and implies you do not know how to properly wash your face.  Not a good day.

Not to worry.  We are here for you. If you happen to be a local Bradenton patient who’s seeking Dry Eye Treatments, our eye specialists will be able to help you work through yet another wonderful age-related problem and teach you how to modify your face washing routine so your ‘watery eyes’ will feel better. Now, you can go ahead and have that good day after all.

By Richard Hector, MD